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TSC’s Most Recent Important Notice for All Teachers

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TSC’s Most Recent Important Notice for All Teachers.

TSC Latest Crucial Circular To All Teachers. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) sent out an important circular to all Kenyan teachers on November 7, 2023.

This circular concerns the Public Officer Ethics Act’s (POEA) Sections on the Declaration of Income, Assets, and Liabilities (IAL).

This declaration aims to encourage accountability and openness among public servants, including educators, who are essential to the educational process.

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We will go into the specifics of this circular, including its importance, how the statement was made, and what happens if it is not followed.

I. Background Information

The Declaration of Income, Assets, and Liabilities (IAL) is a legal requirement for all public officers, including teachers, in Kenya.

The POEA mandates public officers to make this declaration every two years.

The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that public officers are not engaged in corrupt or unethical practices and to maintain transparency in the public sector.

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In line with these provisions, the TSC has set out clear guidelines for teachers to declare their IAL, with a deadline of December 31, 2023

II. Online Declaration Platform

To streamline the process and enhance efficiency, the TSC has introduced an online declaration platform known as the Declaration of Income, Assets, and Liabilities System (DIALS). This platform enables teachers to complete their declarations digitally, making the process more accessible and convenient.

Each teacher is required to follow the steps outlined in the DIALS Instruction Manual to complete the Declaration.

This system has been tailored to accommodate newly employed teachers, facilitating their initial declarations. Teachers can access and submit the Declaration Form by using the Teachers Online Portal through the TSC Online Wealth Declaration Portal.

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TSC Latest Crucial Circular To All Teachers

The online portal can be accessed through various gadgets, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop PCs.

The availability of a user-friendly instruction manual on the TSC website is aimed at guiding teachers through the declaration process.

III. Monitoring and Reporting

In addition to completing their declarations, teachers are also expected to monitor the progress of the declaration process within their respective schools. Any non-compliance must be reported, as detailed in Part B of the Instruction Manual.

The reporting deadline is set for December 31, 2023. This collective effort ensures that all teachers fulfill their legal obligations and helps maintain the integrity of the education system.

IV. Key Points to Note

The TSC has provided several essential points to note regarding the Declaration of Income, Assets, and Liabilities:

(a) Regardless of their employment status (including teachers on leave, interdiction, suspension, or authorized absence from duty), all teachers employed by the Commission must declare their IAL.

(b) Intern teachers are exempt from the declaration requirement.

(c) Failure to submit a declaration or provide false or misleading information may lead to a fine of Ksh 1,000,000, imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or both upon conviction.

Additionally, non-compliant teachers may face administrative or disciplinary action in accordance with TSC DIAL Administrative Processes.

(d) The Declaration is only available to those who have made their formal email address ending in

This is crucial for user credibility when establishing, obtaining, and changing each user’s password for the Declaration.

(e) After submitting their Declaration, teachers will receive a copy of the submitted Declaration in their email for reference and record.

(f) Accuracy in the provided information is paramount, and teachers must press the “SUBMIT” button before logging out. The Commission will not accept any hard copies of the DIALs forms.

(g) Completing all sections of the declaration form accurately is essential. The system will only accept completed forms.

V. Declaration Timeline and Guidelines

Teachers are encouraged to complete their declarations well in advance to avoid any last-minute rush that may result in system congestion or downtime.

The online declaration platform became active on November 1, 2023, and will automatically close on December 31, 2023, at midnight. Submissions must be made before this date to be processed.

TSC Latest Crucial Circular To All Teachers

To guide teachers through the declaration process, the TSC has made the Guidelines for the Declarations available on their website for reference.

VI. Conclusion

In summary, the Teachers Service Commission has issued a significant circular regarding the Declaration of Income, Assets, and Liabilities (IAL) for all teachers in Kenya.

The TSC is committed to upholding transparency and accountability in the public sector, and this declaration is a legal requirement that aligns with that goal. The introduction of the online declaration platform makes it easier for teachers to fulfill this obligation.

All teachers need to complete their declarations accurately and within the stipulated timeframe to avoid potential legal consequences and disciplinary actions.

By adhering to the guidelines and collaborating in monitoring and reporting non-compliance, teachers can contribute to a more transparent and accountable education system in Kenya.

The Teachers Service Commission highlights that all parties involved must do their share to ensure that this declaration process is implemented successfully. This applies to educators, administrators, and the Commission itself.

By supporting this project, educators are setting a good example for their children and advancing the principles of accountability and integrity in the field of education.

In summary, the Declaration of Income, Assets, and Liabilities is not only required by law but also a crucial first step toward a more transparent and responsible educational system, both of which advance Kenya’s overall growth and development.

All teachers are urged by the TSC to embrace this procedure and carry out their responsibilities with accuracy and devotion.

TSC Latest Crucial Circular To All Teachers






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