Kenya’s Top 10 Marketable Degree Programs [List]
Its important for students who have completed their high school to research on the courses they want to undertake considering the availability of job market after graduation. Top Ten Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya
Students can choose to take their degree courses of diploma Courses- depending on their capabilities and performance at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE.
Many career guiders can tell you to follow your passion which is equally important but also market availability of the course still plays a pivotal role in someone’s life. One may follow passion but tarmacs for a long time seeking for a job opportunity with no avail.
There are a number of factors that determine availability of market for given courses which may include;
- Trends in the industry
- The country’s state of economic and industrial development
- Saturation of the market
A course is said to be most marketable if it aligns with the current trends in the economy providing relevant skills and knowledge required in the job market.
In this article, we are going to run you through the top 10 course deemed marketable in the Kenyan economy but the list is subjective and your views will be highly appreciated in the comment section.
1. Medicine
Students who have excelled in their exams stand a high chance of pursuing this course. It has stood the taste of time as the most marketable course in Kenya.
Students with financial muscles are encouraged to pursue this course if the meet the necessary set requirements.
This course has proved to be so draining for majority of the students as it demands those who are passionate in this sector. Therefore, passion plays a vital role in excelling in this course.
This area has a number of fields that students can venture into. The fields include;
- Dentistry
- Surgery
- Homeopathic Medicine
- Physiotherapy
- Medical Science
- Medical Lab technology
- Medical science
In Kenya, there is a deficit of specialized doctors and other medical practitioners while the number of patients in need of medical services is on the rise, making this course the most marketable and best selling course in the economy.
Top Ten Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya
2. Digital Marketing
In the current economy, the old methods of marketing goods and services is now outdated. Emphasis is now put on digital marketing which involves selling advertising goods and services on the digital spaces which include E-mails, social platforms, websites and television.
There are a number of fields under this course which include:
- Digital marketing
- Copywriting
- Websites design
- Digital graphic design
This course has recently proven to be marketable since organizations, industries and companies are moving away from the old marketing strategies to digital marketing which involves marketing via content creation in the digital spaces.
3. Nursing
Nursing has proven to have more job openings both nationally and internationally.
Nurses work jointly with professional doctors in offering medical care to the patients in health care facilities.
Nursing has a number of career fields that one can venture into which include;
- Geriatric Nursing
- Family Health Nursing
- Critical care Nursing
- Paediatric Nursing
- Peri-operative nursing
- Psychiatric Nursing
- Nephrology
- Kenya Registered Nurse Anesthetist
This course is deemed marketable since the Kenyan population is growing and a number of lifestyle diseases are coming up, necessitating establishment of health centres to cater for the seek citizens hence job opportunities in the economy.
4. Special Needs Education
In Kenya and globally, there is a large number of people who are abled differently and need specialized care and services in order to fit in the society.
Those with a degree in specials needs will have job openings as administrators, daycare teachers, special education teachers, interpreters and many more ventures.
Those with special needs course are tasked to teach those with learning disabilities and other disability aspects to be at par with others.
Those who wish to venture into this course can enter into Various fields. Some of the challenges that those with this course can guide include:
- Children with Autism
- Those who have hearing impairment
- Those who are visually impaired
- Those are challenged mentally and physically.
Since there are a few students who wishes to venture into this field, the country is grappling with a huge deficit of such people something that makes this course marketable since there are many gaps that needs them.
5. Computer Science
If you are a tech enthusiast, then this course is for you. Its in public domain that the world is moving to digital spaces and all services soon will be sought online. That makes this course more relevant in the current world hence places it in the marketable list.
This course covers a broad scope which ranges from designing, implementing and maintaining computer systems.
This course encompasses a range of careers that one can specialize in which include:
- Data Analysis
- Cyber security analyst
- Software engineer
- UX desining
- System analysis
- Web development
This course is marketable since many organization and companies are moving from paper work to computerized systems where they can access their data anywhere in the world. Therefore, people with this skill are highly sought after hence ready market.
Top Ten Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya
6. Real Estate Management
Going by numerous advertisements touching on real estate market, this sector has been on an upward trajectory in terms of growth.
Since this sector keeps expanding it means there will be more job opportunities this placing this course among those that have a ready market.
7. Civil Engineering
This is one of the major disciplines under engineering. This course majorly deals with construction, designing and maintaining physical structures such as roads, pipes, dams, railways etc.
Since there are numerous construction projects being approved in Kenya, it means that more civil engineers will be needed to execute this work. This therefore means this course remains marketable with ready job openings.
8. Architecture
This course deals with designing of structures such as houses, towers, bridges and other structures that needs designing before their construction.
Students who are enthusiasts of art and craft, mathematics and science have high stakes of excelling well in this field.
Since there are a number of structures being put up in the country, its important to note that designers (architects) will be required to give the designs of various structures before they are constructed. This places this course among those that are highly marketable in Kenya.
9. Software Engineering
This course majorly deals with the developing and maintaining software systems.
This course focuses on a number of fields which include:
- Machine learning
- Business information Technology
- Computer science
- Programming
- Mathematics
One can self employ him/herself or work in a wide range of sectors in the economy without limitations placing it among those that are deemed marketable.
Top Ten Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya
10. Education
This course prepares students who wants to become teachers both in primary and secondary schools.
This course has been better placed among the best courses in Kenya since one can not remain jobless after graduation since there are schools that can offer one a contract job as one waits for permanent employment.
Kenya’s Top 10 Marketable Degree Programs [List]
Teachers are not confined only in classrooms but are versatile and can work in other sectors without limitations since there services fit anywhere. Teachers can also advance as high school or primary school teacher and become a lecturer at the University.
Some of the courses offered under this include:
- Bachelor of Education Science
- Bachelor of Education Arts
- Special Needs Education
- Early Childhood Development Education
This fields assures one of employment after graduating and does not discriminate on anyone during interviews as those who graduated early will be given direct employment so long us your marks surpasses other applicants.
From the list above, you can choose the course that you deem fit for you to pursue depending on your strength and abilities.
Kenya’s Top 10 Marketable Degree Programs [List]