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HomeAcademicsBold Claim: 50,000 Teachers Set for Promotion by December!

Bold Claim: 50,000 Teachers Set for Promotion by December!

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Bold Claim: 50,000 Teachers Set for Promotion by December!

World Teachers Day TO BE celebrated on October 5, 2023, at the Kenya School of Government in Nairobi. The Teachers Service Commissioner (TSC) Chairman Jamleck Muturi delivered a speech during the festivities.

According to the announcement made by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), 50,000 educators would be given promotions before the end of the year.

TSC Chairman Dr. Jamleck Muturi stated that 50,000 interns have been recruited so far since the beginning of this year after getting Ksh1 billion. He also stated that the exercise began in March and will continue till it is completed in November.

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Speaking to the press after meeting with education stakeholders at St. Teresa Girls Secondary school in Kisumu, he stated that some of the issues that emerged from the meeting include a staff shortage, mental difficulties, and discipline among staff members.

The chairperson of the Commission gave them the assurance that the Commission will make every effort to find answers to the problems that were mentioned by the members.

He stated that resolving the issues would ensure that children would obtain an education of sufficient caliber since a contented educator is in a better position to cater to the requirements of their students.

Dr. Muturi stated that there was a general deficit of teachers across the counties and that they had already put steps in place to fill the gap, which will be rolled out in due time. He also indicated that there was a general scarcity of instructors across the country.

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Concerning employees’ mental health, the head of TSC stated that the company has already established wellness facilities and rehabilitation programs for those who need them.

He also mentioned that some of the affected employees had received paid leave as a result of the situation.

Others who were present during the forum included the Chairman of the Kisumu branch of the Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA), George Opiyo; the Executive Secretary of the Kisumu branch of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), David Obuon; his counterpart from the Kisumu West branch, Gordon Olando; and the Chairman of the Kisumu branch of KEPSHA, Elly Ondiek.

Duncan Owiyo, principal of Kisumu Boys School, and Kennedy Oguta, principal of Bishop Abiero Secondary School, were two of the school principals that were there.

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