Sunday, February 9, 2025
HomeAcademicsTSC Statement on Employment Hits P1 Teachers

TSC Statement on Employment Hits P1 Teachers

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TSC Statement on Employment Hits P1 Teachers

In 2024, a primary school teaching license will no longer be wholly reliant on possessing a PTE certificate, as stated in a report compiled by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), the agency that is responsible for the employment of teachers.

The Texas State Council (TSC) plans to implement the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in all primary schools, beginning with the first grade and continuing through the sixth grade. PTE-qualified primary school teachers will no longer be able to teach the new curriculum as a result of this decision.

In order to adapt to the changes, PTE instructors are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the most recent DPTE credentials. Instead of being placed in job group B5, which is the lowest entry level for teaching, diploma teachers will be placed in job group C1.

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A significant number of educators working in primary and early childhood settings are currently pursuing CBC Diplomas. Regarding the new curriculum, the committee suggests providing P1 and ECDE teachers with additional training.

After graduating, the first group of students who would eventually become trainee teachers were awarded diplomas by the Kenya National Examination Council.

In order to graduate to the Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE), P1 teachers need to have a current PTE Certificate, TSC registration, a 1500-hour residential program, all upgrading program courses, a 300-hour teaching practicum, and fulfill Knec’s evaluation and course work hour requirements.

This indicates that all P1 instructors who desire permanent TSC jobs must enhance their credentials in order to compete for those posts. In order to be competitive for jobs, teachers in P1 and ECDE need to enhance their skills.

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