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All JSS Teachers Are Excluded From Retooling Program

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All JSS Teachers Are Excluded From Retooling Program

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has decided to remove primary school teachers who have been transferred to junior secondary schools (JSS) from the upcoming training session, which will begin next week. In March, approximately 7,400 PTE teachers who met the deployment requirements were assigned to teach grade 7 students.

However, the TSC has said that only newly hired JSS instructors will attend the training from October 9th to 13th.

Starting next Monday, 56,000 Grade 7 teachers will begin training for the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) and Competency Based Assessment (CBA). TSC Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia praised teachers who have worked hard to ensure CBC compliance while also carrying out their regular school duties. She conveyed her gratitude at the Kenya School of Government in Nairobi on World Teachers’ Day.

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The Commission highlighted the training focus for teachers in disciplines including as language, science, mathematics, humanities, and technical subjects in a memo dated September 26th, addressed to TSC Regional and County Directors. Teacher program Colleges (TTCs) and other county locations will host the program.

The Grade 7 teacher training is set for October 9th to 13th, 2023, with Master Trainers and Trainer of Trainers (TOTs) training beginning earlier. Master Trainers from various educational agencies attended training at the Kenya Institute of Special Education from October 2nd to 4th. These Master Trainers will then train TOTs such as Curriculum Support Officers (CSOs), Teacher Educators (Tutors), TSC Sub-county directors, and Ministry of Education quality assurance officers. Face-to-face training will be provided to all participants.

TSC’s deployment of 18,000 intern teachers to junior secondary schools in late August and early September corresponds with this training plan. Furthermore, Grade 7 students will begin their national writing assessment in October, with exams covering a wide range of disciplines from October 2nd to October 26th, 2023. Mathematics, English, Kiswahili, Agriculture, Social Studies, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, CRE/IRE/HRE, Science and Technology, Kenyan Sign Language, Integrated Science, Computer Studies, Business Studies, Life Skills Education, Pre-Technical, and Pre-Career Education are among the compulsory and optional subjects with written exams.


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